It’s Tour de Turkey time

The annual Tour de Turkey, sponsored by the Food Bank of Larimer County, is Thursday, Nov. 16. Frozen solid turkeys can be dropped off from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Drake Centre, 802 W. Drake Road in Fort Collins or Orchards Shopping Center, 261 E. 29th St. in Loveland. The first 250 donors at each location will receive a coupon good for a six-pack of beer at New Belgium. More New Belgium prizes will be given out throughout the day. Demand is high, so grab a turkey and help support Larimer County families in need.

Just turkeys?

Turkeys are ideal but frozen hams will also be accepted. In order to ensure safe transportation and distribution to Larimer County residents, please make sure everything is frozen solid when dropped off.

Can I donate before Nov. 17?

Yes, donations can be dropped off anytime at Loveland or Fort Collins Food Bank locations. Check the website for available days and times. foodbanklarimer. org/donate-food.