Ed Minnock explores ‘corporate plundering’ in new book on the tech industry

Teams vs. Plunderers illustrates how illegal and unethical behavior manifests itself in the technology industry, and how corporations can build ethical and effective organizations to evade or overcome these issues. 

Ed Minnock publishes his experience with “teams” and “plunderers” in six technology companies including three startups. As an accounting Instructor and CSU alumnus, Minnock hopes that Colorado State students and staff will grasp ethics in the technological businesses.

“I’d like students and professors to understand that, unfortunately, illegal and unethical business behavior is fairly common,” said Minnock. “Historically, plundering has been very profitable for companies, their short-term investors, and their leaders because it’s easier to plunder than to create value for all impacted parties.”

He explains that corporate plunderers tend to thrive in the tech industry because of slow regulation turnaround, low barriers to entry, and overvaluation of companies by investors. Minnock hopes to shed light onto how these plunderers operate, so businesses can succeed in eradicating them. 

“Most people will behave badly if pressured,” Minnock explains. “This is why it’s so important for companies to hire ethical, effective leaders and to weed out plunderers.”

To do so, Minnock’s book explains four steps to “build and/or be part of organizations that are ethical and effective.” Technology businesses can:

• Hire ethical and effective leaders;
• Weed out plunderers;
• Assemble ethical teams; and
• Build consensus.

Teams vs Plunderers goes into detail of effective plunderers, effective teams, effective businesses, and offers insight into how technology companies must adapt in today’s business world. 

“Today, ethical leaders also have to worry about the impact of their company on the environment, the effect of their company upon the communities in which they operate, and the behavior of suppliers halfway around the world,” said Minnock. “This added complexity makes it more important to be able to spot plunderers and build ethical and effective organizations that satisfy everyone’s needs.”