The importance of your mental health

Everyone knows the importance of taking care of ourselves. Eating healthy, exercising, and getting plenty of quality sleep seems to be the key to a healthy individual. However, it can be easy to forget that attention also needs to be paid to one’s mental health and wellness, especially when life gets busy or in current times, when it may feel like there are bigger concerns to be paying attention to.

At the end of the day, mental health plays just as big of a roleas physical health does with how we function on a day to day basis. I spoke with Janella Patrias, the manager of Mental Health Initiatives at the CSU Health Network about ways staff and faculty can help support their own mental health.

A key way to take better care of yourself throughout the day is to take intentional breaks. Some ideas to help release some stress in minor ways is to just take a moment and step away from the desk and go for a walk. Being outside, even as the weather cools down, is a great way to relieve stress. Taking a moment can even be as simple as YouTubing a ve-minute meditation video or taking 10 minutes to get up and stretch. Wellness often comes from small things that help curb stress.

If you experience Zoom fatigue, as many of us are, it is key to have some technology relief. This can be hard to accomplish but a simple way to help is by remembering that it is OK to suggest doing a phone call instead of a virtual meeting. It is also vital to set aside time to be completely tech-free.

Right now it can be easy to feel disconnected or lonely more often than usual. Staying well means having that social connection we all need. Don’t be afraid to ask a colleague or friend to just chator take a socially distanced walk together. Although it can feel like everyone’s conversation needs to be purposeful, it’s OK to reach out to just simply connect.

Spending time on yourself and checking in with how you are doing is always a good idea, but it is equally important to remember to keep the wellness of others in mind. Everyone is trying to deal with these changes to the best of their ability and being mindful of one another’s struggles can help.“One of the greatest ways we can support one another right now is to give everyone some grace,” explained Patrias.

There are many resources on campus for employees, Jan Pierce, the Employee Assistance Coordinator, explained. Through the Employee Assistance Program and sta , all faculty have access to six free sessions of counseling per person per calendar year.

In addition, through ComPsych, employees can call to ask legal and nancial questions. They can also create an account at Guidance Resources to gain access to many other nancial, legal, wellness, and lifestyle resources.

For more information and resources visit these websites:

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