The Classified Personnel Council welcomes back employees

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The Classified Personnel Council (CPC) welcomes you to the new school year and invites you to join us as we continue to represent the state classified personnel at CSU. We are here to disseminate information related to CSU and state classified employees, review bills before the state legislature that impact the University community, recognize and reward CSU employees, host informational sessions and employee appreciation events, and research, review, and recommend ways to improve the work lives of CSU employees.

Last year, the CPC was very active.  The council met on a monthly basis to discuss current issues and concerns affecting state classified employees at CSU.  A record of the meeting minutes can be found at

We co-hosted the 7th annual Employee Appreciation event and hosted the CPC Annual Recognition Luncheon. Most work of the CPC is done through our committees which consist of the communications, employee outreach, legislative, outreach events, and work life committees.

To get a more in-depth idea of the hard work these committees do, please see the 2018 Annual Report at

So, what’s new for the CPC in FY19?  The CPC has begun planning for this year’s employee appreciation event to be held on Sept.12 at the LSC Sculpture Garden from 4-6:30pm. Council committees are busy planning events, awards, communications, and much more!

We’d love for you to come find out more and join us for our upcoming meetings. Times, dates, and locations can be found on the CPC website. The Sept.13 meeting in Rockwell Hall 119 will feature Aaron Fodge, Aaron Buckley, and Erika Benti who will be discussing alternative transportation initiatives on campus. We hope to see you there!

Megan Skeehan, the current chair of the CPC, shared these thoughts: “In my 5 years at CSU, I have had the opportunity to work alongside incredible people in residential dining services, the College of Liberal Arts, the College of Business, and in other areas across campus. The last three years my involvement with CPC that has provided me with some of the most rewarding experiences at CSU.

“CPC members all embody a commitment to service, as an active employee council, we provide a voice for those who feel they do not have one and identify and advocate for resources and access to information for all employees through our collaborative efforts with various offices on campus and the Administrative Professionals Council and the Faculty Council.

“My philosophy on leadership is rooted in being the person that I needed at various points in my life, and no matter who you are, I hope that CPC members can represent you and your concerns, and help find ways to celebrate your achievements through the next year.”